Monday, August 24, 2009

The one where Halle went to school

I always have heard from people how they cried taking their son/daughter to kindergarten on that first day of school. I guess I always thought they were happy tears. . . happiness from some level of accomplishment or whatever.

Well, I took my baby girl to kindergarten today and guess what? The tears aren't the happy kind.

Ahh, the emotions of a mom. . .

Oh, she is sooo cute! And how did she get so big? Will she make friends? Will she feel pretty? Is she going to be good in school? Will she like her teacher? Will she be bored? Will the other kids be nice to her? Will she be nice to the other kids? Will she remember what we've taught her? Does she know how much her Daddy and I adore her? How proud I am? I am going to miss having her around all day. . .

Love you, my Halle girl.