Thursday, February 26, 2009

The one about...nothing really

I'm not sure why I feel like posting this. I guess I just wanted someone to be proud of me cuz....


Ta da! All eleven loads! Pretty sad, huh? I was sick off and on the last two weeks and have had such a hard time keeping up with things. If a mom is sick more than a certain amount of days, there ought to be some sort of government relief sent in. Don'tcha think?

Anyway, I'm done. Hooray!! Sorry to waste your time in reading this, though. ;)

Now to the dishes . . .

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The one about my date

My little man, Drew, and I went on a date today.

He'd spent the night at his Grandma's. So I woke up early this morning, got ready real quick, and headed over to get him ready for our outing.
When I walked in the door he was already waiting for me. All ready to go; Light pin-striped suit. Blue shirt and tie. Breakfast ate. Teeth brushed....(thanks Grandma!!) What a stud.
Little boys in pin-striped suits. Does it get better than that?

We drove to Draper, and then rode the bus up to the Draper Temple open house. I was so worried he'd be bored to tears, but something kept bugging me earlier this week that I should take him. Just the two of us. So I did. He probably won't remember it down the road- but you never know. Either way, we had a great time.
His favorite part of the temple was the "white cows" and the "water" (the baptismal font). After the tour was done he wanted to see go see them again. I had him ask one of the ushers- an elderly lady who practically fell in love with him- and she took him back down. He chatted and waved and smiled with all the workers. He was quite the charmer, I think they would have given him anything he asked. I swear, it's that suit.

He also liked the big mural with the "elk" and "cougar", the cookies, bus rides, and the big "tunnel tents". He said on the bus ride back to the car, "We're having a good day today. Ya know, Momma?"
We tried to get our picture together but the wind was blowing so hard, he couldn't stand on his own without blowing over. This was the best we could do:Later in the afternoon we went to McDonalds together. We were there almost two whole hours. Drew was feeling very chatty. He. Chatted. And. Chatted. And. Chatted. Some. More.
"Mom, can you look out that window? Can you? I can make cars out of paper with the scissors and the cuts, ya know? How old are you momma? I love french fries. Where's dad? Is he at work? Is he at school? Ya. I'm three hoo-wa Mom? Yup, I'm three. See out that window? There's a cup. It's smashed, ya know, Mom? Was it root beer Mom? Was it? Is Halle with Grandma? Ya, she is, hoo-wa? Yup. She is. We saw white cows, hoo-wa? Giraffe's are orange. Yup. Where's my cookie? Oh, I dropped it, hoo-wa Momma? Ya. It's yucky now, ya know? I can sing my ABC's Mom. Can you sing your ABC's? I'm sharp. Yup. Is Spiderman sharp? Ya, I think he's sharp. This is fun, Mom. I have three chicken nuggets cause I'm three. Yup. I'm three Momma. Ya know?"

Seriously, I loved every minute. Can't wait to go with my girl next week . . .

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The one "for Hev'ly Fad-er"

A few Sunday nights ago we had a FHE about tithing. The kids decorated "Tithing Boxes" to keep 1/10th of their money in.

(btw, check out the spot's on Drew's face! Yuck! Halle broke out with them the next day but we never figured out what it was...)
We ate a delicious (they taste similar to churros), very easy dessert called:


1 8 oz. pkg cream cheese
1/3 c sugar

1 c sour cream
2 t vanilla

vegetable oil

10 (8 inch) flour tortillas

Cinnamon and sugar, mixed together

Ideas for optional toppings: vanilla bean ice cream, whipped cream, ice cream syrups (strawberry, chocolate, caramel)

Beat cream cheese till smooth. Gradually beat in sugar. Blend in sour cream and vanilla. Chill for at least 1 hour. Lay 1 tortilla flat, spoon 2-3 T of filling onto tortilla. Fold bottom edge of the tortilla up over filling. Fold sides inward and then roll up remaining tortilla. Fry in (a little) oil until browned. Roll in cinnamon and sugar mixture. Eat hot, or cold, with favorite topping.


Then Kev and I sat in a happy-daze watching our kids play. Drew is such a good sport- Halle always makes him dance. I love the pic where he's spinning her around. What a little heart breaker.

And as it always happens when Kev's around, the night ended with him turning into a jungle gym; tickling, wrestling, and all sorts of craziness. This particular FHE included walking on the ceiling!

Anyway, this Sunday the kids brought their "tithing boxes" to church with them. After filling out the tithing slips, Drew stormed into the bishop's office, threw the envelope at him and said,

"Here ya go, Bishup.

It's for Hev'ly Fad-er."
Halle rolls her eyes, and with a smile says to me:

"Drew's sooo cute, Mom!

I can't even handle it!"
And I can feel just a little of how much we will miss our kids when they've grown.

Friday, February 13, 2009

The one about our week from. . .

This week has not been going well.

Cabin fever is only the start of it. When I looked out the window Tuesday morning to yet another snow storm, I litterally had to choke back the tears. I can't help thinking, "Why, WHY do I live in Utah?"

Then another storm hit. HURRICANE DREW. Are ALL little boys so destructive??? He has a typical three-year-old attention span. So every three minutes he's getting into something new. Making another mess. Spilling something else on the carpet. Smearing something else on the walls. I love that kid but sometimes . . .

Yesterday I had to get Halle to her dance lesson and a bunch of other errands. Although I'd had the whole house spotless (from working all morning on it), a few hours later you would have never known I'd cleaned the house. EVER. Seriosly every single room in the house was a wreck. I thought about pulling out my hair, but decided against it. I told Drew as calmly as possibly, "Ok little man. In thirty minutes I'm going to take away all your toys that aren't put away."

Well after thirty minutes of la-de-da-ho-humming from Drew, I grabbed the box of garbage bags. SIX over flowing garbage bags later . . .

Please keep in mind I've never been a parent before, K? Toys. Blocks. Games. Movies. Books. Every single thing he'd taken out and spread around the house in under two hours! The worst part is he didn't even care.

"Look at all your toys in time-out, Drewbie. That's too bad you didn't clean them up, isn't it?"

"Yep, Mom. They're in time out. Remember in the 'Incredibles' movie? It's so funny when Dash says . . . . (cheerfully going on and on). . "

I give him a blank stare as AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!! screams inside my head.

Anyway, I got through that day. But now he doesn't have any toys, which is a whole new problem of its own.

Maybe I could have handled this week better if Halle and I weren't sick on top of everything else. Ugh. For example, on Wednesday, right after I'd thrown up my breakfast, Halle started screaming -top of her lungs - from the other bathroom:


She was scared to death. Totally hysterical. The toilet had plugged (from her being sick) and it all was over flowing - pouring out all over everything. It was sooooooooooooo so so so so so nasty. Especailly since my stomach was barely hangin' in there as it was. . . Poor me. And poor Halle. It really freaked her out. I held her for a long time afterward and her whole little body was shaking. :( For some reason, she's been really worried about stuff ever since. She's been asking me questions like, "Mom, if you die, will I have to have a babysitter every day?" etc.

Where did her mind go when that toilet was over-flowing? I don't get it, but now she's got me worried. She's totally not herself. I'm not sure if it's just cuz she's not feeling well or if it's more than that? I'm making sure she gets lots of extra love today.

Anyway, I was going to post my favorite soup recipe today . . . but since I've ruined your appetite, I'll save that for another time. Sorry 'bout that.

Things will get better soon. They always do. :)


Monday, February 9, 2009

The one about Cabin Fever

I have it.

And that's all I have to say.

Friday, February 6, 2009

The one about T's, Curlers, X's and O's

Halle has been going through a phase where she likes to wear my T's as PJ's. She's so cute. I can't help but smother her in X's and O's when she's like this. Aaaa.

She said to me last night:

"Do you know what it means when you let me wear your shirts at night?"

"No. What does it mean Halls?"
"It means you love me, Mom."

"Baby girl, you can wear them all you want."

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The one with a backyard-neighbor surprise

Ah. What a Jolly time I've had tonight.
(Get it Julia? A Jolley good time?)

I'm so funny, it hurts.

Today I was chillin' on facebook while I should have been finishing the editing from one of my photo shoots. Oh well. Anywho, I noticed one of my friends, Julia, was on too. (We met a few Sundays ago. Sluffed Sunday School together. Shhh, don't tell.) We started chattin' online and realized that we are back door neighbors. Seriously, I could SEE her typing from where I sat typing. Somewhere around two hours and lots of laughs wasted on by. It was awesome.

We planned all these things...laying out this summer, getting a sweet (*cough*) tan. Building a doggie door in our fence for our boys to play with each other. Swappin' pies. Sonic runs. Movie nights. It was like sixth grade all over again. Isn't it fun to pretend there's nothing else to do sometimes?

And as if we weren't being nerdy enough, we took pictures of each other through the windows. Oh ya.


Alright. I'd better go catch up around the house. Back to reality. G'night ya'll.

Monday, February 2, 2009

The one about internet connections


My internet hasn't been working for almost an entire month.


Tech's not showing up, ice problems, and who knows why else. We signed up with a new company and they came this morning to install. They've only been gone about five minutes but I had to try it myself - just to make sure. And's working!! VIOLA!

(Knock on wood)

I have missed my blog. Who knew I would get so addicted? haha. I've been sorta bloggin entries on my comp this last month. I'll put them online today and tomorrow when I get a minute (they'll probably show up under this post if anyone cares to check them out since I wrote them earlier)

How did anyone ever survive before the world wide web?