When Halle was 3 she had a dance competition. She was SO excited for the performance and kept telling me about a "secret surprise" she was going to give me at it. I played along, not thinking too much about it.
After her dance, she excitedly ran up to me:
"Mommy! Mommy!
Did you see it!
Did you like your surprise?!?"
"Ummmm....I dunno, what was it?"
"I SMILED!" she said, proudly as can be.
I was reminiscing about that last night as we watched her perform in another dance concert. What a funny, sweet, sweetie pie. It's been four years of dance lessons now. I never ever get tired of watching her perform. Anyways, here's some of the pics from the concert. Sorry there's so many. I had a hard time narrowing them down.

How fun! I can't wait for Jada to be old enough for dance:)
Okay so I think that the company I work for might have made her dance costumes. I saw something similar to that if not the same thing the several weeks ago in the store.
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