I had to share this picture. It's gotta be one of my favorite of all time.
Halle found a spider upstairs and was screaming like there was a cobra in the house. (I wonder where she gets that anyway? *wink, wink*)

wife - mom - sister - daughter - aunt - neice - friend - teacher - photographer
I had to share this picture. It's gotta be one of my favorite of all time.
Halle found a spider upstairs and was screaming like there was a cobra in the house. (I wonder where she gets that anyway? *wink, wink*)
Posted by Kevin & Mari at 11:30 AM 1 comments
Last week I got to go up to Aspen Grove with the Young Women in our ward. We had a blast. We went cross country skiing, listened to some wonderful speakers, played games and the guitar, got a little (ok- a lot) hyper at all hours of the night, etc. It was great. Especailly to have a few days away from cooking/dishes/cleaning up after the kids. Ahhhh....
But then it's crazy how quickly you miss all of that stuff, isn't it? That first night I had to bring a crew of girls in my room just to get past the loneliness. And here's what happened:
Have any of you played the game called "This is a Spoon?" Ha ha ha. I taught it to the girls and it was a hit. I never heard the end of it. And now I'm sure they're driving everyone crazy at home, still chanting, "This is a spoon, a what? a spoon, a what?? a spoon..OH! A Spoon!" (repeated twenty gazillion times). Today when I called my Beehives to remind them about tonight's activity, TWO of them said, "Oh Sister Farr- guess what? This is a spoon!" And so on it goes.
Good times.
I'm not sure if it was the elevation or what, but we had sooo many communication disasters up there. It was hilarious. Here are just a few of my faves:
Posted by Kevin & Mari at 1:47 PM 1 comments
We'll see how it goes.
Posted by Kevin & Mari at 2:41 PM 1 comments
I babysat my nephew Trey on Saturday.
As I was cleaning my kitchen downstairs, I could here the two boys upstairs, laughing and having a jolly good time. "It's so nice they don't fight like the girls used to," I thought.
15 minutes or so later, I had another thought. "I should see what's making them laugh so hard." It was a brilliant idea. It just came WAY too late.
This is what I found:
1 toilet bowl of water+2 naughty little boys= one huge mess.
See the water drenched on them and the floor? That's an entire bowl of TOILET WATER.
Posted by Kevin & Mari at 11:59 AM 2 comments
My friend Emily came over the other day and I promised her this recipe. Here are some of the pro's of this breakfast cake:
1) It's so easy to make. 5 minutes tops to put together.
2) My kids (and all their friends) LOVE it!
3) It doesn't take any eggs or milk...so it's just perfect on the day after you didn't have enough time to make it to the grocery store.
4) It makes your home smell loverly.
5) A perfect start to any day.
So here it is.
Posted by Kevin & Mari at 10:05 AM 2 comments
Ahhh...it's so hard for me to not give up on things once I get behind! There's just so much that's happened since the last post. I can't quite even remember where to begin. Normally that means it would be another 8-10 months before I try to recap. But here I am- look at me changing!! Isn't that what a new year is all about anyway?
The kids sat on Santa's lap so many times this year! That's got to be so confusing! They've got to be thinking, "Didn't I already tell you what I wanted for Christmas, Santa?" We met him at a Preschool Class party, the Farr's Christmas party, at the ward party, at Sizzler... I purposely did NOT take them to the mall this year. After the first Santa we met Halle told me, "Mom, I know this Santa isn't the REAL santa. He must be one of Santa's helpers, huh? But don't worry, Mom. I won't tell the little kids." Smart little girl.
Posted by Kevin & Mari at 10:04 AM 8 comments