Halle always poses when she sees a camera. Sometimes the poses end up pretty funny.
So, I took my kids to the pool with my sis, Autumn & her kids.
Check out Halle's pose:
Friday, June 18, 2010
The one pose at the pool
Posted by Kevin & Mari at 11:15 PM 2 comments
Saturday, June 12, 2010
The one with my amazing sis
My sister, Ora ran a marathon this morning. The first thing she said at the finish line was,
p.p.s. I'm blonde again.

Posted by Kevin & Mari at 10:38 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 10, 2010
The one about absolutely nothing
I found this picture tonight on my laptop and it is cracking me up so bad.
Is it not really that funny? Am I just past the point of exhaustion where everything seems more hilarious that it really is??? Man, I wish someone were here with me to get crazy hyper with.
Ah, there she is.
"A whole new woooorld,
A dazzling place I never knew. . . "
Though I could mention it has finally hit me I have three kids. THREE CHILDREN! I walked in my room and found this:
and that's when it hit me.
Very, very strange.
Anyway, I was gonna wait up for Kev but I think I need the sleep.
Posted by Kevin & Mari at 11:58 PM 5 comments
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
The one about June's snow angels
There are a couple of huge Cottonwood trees a few blocks from our house. Sunday we drove by them and there was so much cotton it looked like it was snowing.
We just couldn't resist:
Makes me feel real grateful that we don't have allergies!
Or live in this neighborhood!
Posted by Kevin & Mari at 10:31 PM 2 comments
Saturday, June 5, 2010
The one about Lagoon
Halle on the "White" Roller Coaster
Have I mentioned that he is smiling? Mmmmm, that smile pulls all my little heartstings. Sweet baby boy.
Posted by Kevin & Mari at 9:08 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
The one about many toothaches
Drew & Uncle Jim
Drew's teeth, as I've mentioned before, have had major problems the last six months or so. They're the reason we were in Couer d'Alane, Idaho last month. Also why I've been a wreck, on more than one occasion. Now that a little time has passed and we are *hopefully* nearing the end of it all, I am finally OK enough to talk about what has happened.If I could only go back in time, knowing what I know now. . . .
The appointment was over and I was about to leave, but then I decided to talk to the lady at the front desk. I told her I would like to see if Drew would cooperate enough to be able to do the work without sedation. Especially since he had been so great at the appointment that day. (I know money's not the most important thing in this situation, yet I wanted to only pay for what was necessary- and I wasn't sold on the sedation part yet) The lady was nice, but I could tell she thought I was crazy to think we might not have to sedate him.
So he hesitantly opened his mouth. She then took the "poker" and hurriedly jabbed it into the decayed tooth. Like, right where there was the obvious miscolored hole. Drew screamed - and while he had his mouth open screaming, she jabbed the second one. I mean not just touched, she really JABBED it down into the nerve. I was flippin' furious.
I then shouted some not-so-nice things to her. . . In my head, of course. But only because my son was listening.
The dentist came back in and said, "Yes, we may have missed some for the treatment plan. But when we sedate him, I'll make sure that every tooth is taken care of."
So, basically, the "treatment plan" was not even the plan. Who knows what cost we would have after all was said and done? I can understand that sometimes there's no way to see all the work that you need until you start drilling, but he hadn't even included very obvious work . . I was frustrated.
I then told him about how a previous dentist had given me an antibiotic before I'd had some fillings done, since I also have a history of infections and serious soreness following dental work. The times a dentist has worked on me with the antibiotic, I was totally fine. So I asked him, since I'm EXTREMELY concerned about the work done in Drew's mouth again becoming infected, if he would consider prescribing the same antibiotic before he did the work?

(Now we know where the Crocodile's dentist ended up)
I understand what he was trying to say, but I sure as heck wasn't about to let a dentist who thought extractions were "no big deal" work on my son. I was very frustrated and unsure of what to do next.
And then things got really bad. . .
The tooth the nurse had jabbed (which btw, was also the 4th of the 6 teeth the previous dentist "fixed") started to hurt. I knew Emergency Dental would just get him out of pain by pulling the tooth (which I was NOT ok with) but I didn't know what else to do.
I called another dentist and set up an appointment. The first appointment they had available wasn't until the 18th of May. (This was the end of April) I didn't know if Drew could wait that long but set it up anyway, just in case it was the best we could do.
The next morning, Drew woke up in tons of pain and with another swollen face. My poor little guy. Every time I looked at his puffy little face I about had a panic attack. (Yes, I was still very hormonal from having a baby)
Drew's swollen face
I didn't want to continue trying out dentist after dentist until I found one that worked out. I wasn't willing to experiment any further on Drew's teeth. He didn't have any more to spare, and had been in way too much pain for a four year old. In desperation, I called my Uncle Jim, (who is a dentist) who lives in North Idaho for advice.
"If you want to bring him up here, I will work on him," he told me.
Call me crazy for driving that far with 3 kids; one missing school, another in pain, and a newborn baby. But I needed someone that cared about Drew. Someone we could trust. So there we went.
Thank Heaven for Uncle Jim and Aunt Paula.
Jim worked on Drew any spare minute that he could for an entire week. I stayed at there house on call, ready to go over if there were any cancellations. Then we'd go to the clinic after hours as well.
Drew was sooo freaked out at first. He was terrified of the "poker" (can you blame him?) and wouldn't even wear the napkin around his neck (it was a girly pink . . .lol). I was super duper worried that we weren't going to be able to calm him down enough to be able to get anything done.
Drew wears the pink napkin
But Jim worked extremely patiently with him, assuring him every teeny step of the way that he wasn't going to hurt him, that he loved him, that he was there to make him better. He was braver when we talked about his best friend Cache, told him about how proud his Daddy was going to be of him, and about how he could get some handcuffs he wanted after we were done.
Being Cool for Cache
I stayed at the end of the chair and said a lot of prayers that we'd be able to do what we'd drove all that way to do. Kev was praying back at home. Aunt Paula assisted Uncle Jim, comforted Drew, and kept me company. By the end of the week we were able to almost everything done, and Drew was out of pain WITH NO EXTRACTION!!! Now Drew is a pro at going to the dentist. During that week, Drew was never sedated - but Jim was gentle and patient enough that the last two days, Drew slept through the entire appointments! During the shots, drilling and everything!!
Drew sleeping through a shot
Drew earns his handcuffs!!
I am so grateful for Jim & Paula. To Jim for being a good dentist who gets the job done right and puts his patients well-being FIRST. To Paula for opening up their home to me and the 3 kids; putting up with their noisiness and messes. Both of them for spending so much time. They are what family should be about - and I'll never forget it.
We were gone eight days, and though it wasn't a nice reason to go, it did end up being really nice to get away. I loved being with my "Auntie P" and I've really missed her company since. I got to spend time with cousins, and even go cheer for Sam at his track meet. It was a nice break from the hectic life we live down here.
Plus, I came home (on Mother's Day) to a clean-wonderful-smelling home, groceries bought, a garden planted, roses on the table, and a turkey dinner in the oven.
Kev. You're so nice to me, it's almost ridiculous. ;)
So, things are ALMOST better. I hope. I had a little bit of a melt down, when a few days after we got home, Drew started to complain about the FIFTH of the previous "fixed" teeth hurting. AHHHHH! I took him to another dentist, (again, Drew was 100% cooperative & relaxed!!) where I had them do full teeth xrays, plus a panoramic xray, to see exactly how each tooth is etc. He has one more small appointment next week to put in a spacer for the extracted teeth, and one little filling.
So that's the story.
Posted by Kevin & Mari at 8:39 PM 4 comments