I finished decorating your bedroom today.
Then I packed my bag for the hospital.
Your car seat is in Daddy's car.
In other words, we're ready for you.
So could you come out now?
Pleeeease?. . . . .
I thought you might like a sneak peak of the fun things we've been doing to be ready for you to come home to us. . . .

First of all, your big sister Halle, made this hat. Didn't she do a good job? She spent
days and days on a hat loom, getting it just right. It's so soft and fuzzy, I know you are gonna love it.

Your aunties, Autumn & Ora worked for two days painting your room while I stayed downstairs and entertained your crazy cousins. I about lost my mind during the 1,798,763,001th rerun of the song "Jingle Bells" with Halle on the piano and everyone else on (very LOUD) vocals. But aren't you excited to join this cousin collection?

Anyways, I've been busy sewing up a storm! Burp rags. . .

and changing pads. . .

diaper/wipes containers . . .

your quilt . . .

crib bedding . . .

I designed them all without even a single pattern! Cool, eh?
So here's the way your room looks now
(though the pics are NOT as cute as in real life...I can't get a good angle tonight). . .

Daddy was up in the middle of the night on Saturday, painting your crib brown. Auntie Autumn and him painted the rest of the furniture last month.
See, can't you tell how much we love you already?
I also designed these gears for your wall. Then my friend, Shelly
cut them out for me on vynil.
Daddy says that even though they're not
orthogonal to the circumference".
they still look
I guess that's just what happens when someone goes to school 40+ hours a week. Smart-person- gibberish. Don't worry, I don't get it either.
Anyways, I'm gonna go upstairs now and wait
ever so patiently for you.
Oh, and one more thing- would you mind doing me a tummy-tuck while you're in there? That, my Son, would be
awesome. I'll pay ya back, I swear.
Thanks and Loves!