Sunday, May 31, 2009
The one where Drew got ready for church
Posted by Kevin & Mari at 6:07 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 28, 2009
The one that still gets me

Posted by Kevin & Mari at 3:03 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
The one with Teryn's wedding
Ora, Teryn, Me, Bailee and Halle
Last weekend Halle, Ora, Bailee and I went to St. George for our beautiful cousin's wedding. I have been so swamped with photography lately, I decided I needed break from taking ANY pictures. Be proud of me, I left my camera at home! Here are a few pics from Ora's camera anyway.
Posted by Kevin & Mari at 7:38 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
The one with shower recipes
Lucy is a good friend of mine in our ward. I absolutely adore her. Last week my other friend, Sue, and I threw her a shower. We had a pretty great spread,
and I had some requests for the recipes. So, here goes.
I have to thank my adorable sister in law Tiffany for introducing me to these little pieces of well as for her helping me make them that morning. Tiff, seriously what would I ever do without you?2 cubes butter, softened. 1/2 cup powdered sugar. 3/4 cup cornstarch. 1 cup flour. Mix together well and form into balls (sounds warned, though. It makes a MESS!) Press centers with your thumb or a spoon, bake at 375 for 8-10 minutes. Cool completely. For frosting, you can purchase cream cheese frosting or make it with cream cheese and powdered sugar. Put frosting in a ziplock, snip off a corner, and pipe onto cooled cookies. Oh, these are so good!
I didn't follow a recipe for these. My friend Shunae told me she'd seen something like them at a shower. If I were to do it again, however, I would NOT use red Dots. They looked a little too much like ... well, anyway. ;)
Posted by Kevin & Mari at 12:48 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
The one with a conversation
Drew and Halle were riding in the backseat.
Drew: Um, Mom, when I get big, I am going to get married. And, I sink [think] I'm going to marry Halle.
Halle: Um, no. Drew, you are NOT going to marry me!
Drew: Yes I am.
Halle: No. You are not.
Drew: Halle, if you don't marry me. . .you are going to be lonely and you're going to be sad.
Posted by Kevin & Mari at 7:41 PM 2 comments
Friday, May 8, 2009
The one where my dad retired
Anyway, this spring he retired and we went to his final concert.
Posted by Kevin & Mari at 2:19 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 1, 2009
The one with a Christ Centered Easter
I haven't had a chance to blog about our Easter yet. But it was such a good one, I had to share.
There's this book that is called "A Christ Centered Easter" and it has some awesome ideas about how to make Easter more meaningful. This year we followed a lot of the ideas, and I think it turned out to be my favorite Easter ever.
The night before Easter we made "Easter Cookies". Each ingredient had something to do with the Easter Story and after cooking in a hot-but-turned-off oven, they come out in the morning HALLOW! (like the tomb on Easter morning) The kids loved it. I thought they tasted awesome! Kinda like Big Hunks. If you'd like the recipe, here's a link over to my sister Ora's cooking blog. I'm too lazy to type it out. Thanks, Ora! Hope you don't mind. :)
Our Easter Dinner was my favorite part of the holiday. We had dinner similar to one that Christ would have ate, and believe it or not, it turned out really tasty! Fish, flat bread, olives, pistachios, hard cheese ("squeaky" cheese), grape juice, and prunes. Minus the prunes, it all tasted great! We ate on the floor with our fingers and everything. I love starting new traditions- and this is one that we will definately do again.
The day ended with a fun Easter hunt at Grandma's- which turned into a MASSIVE PLASTIC EASTER EGG WAR! Full on battle. Those things can sting, I'm telling you. But so worth it.
Posted by Kevin & Mari at 8:16 AM 1 comments