Thursday, April 30, 2009
The one with a link to the truffles

Posted by Kevin & Mari at 12:43 PM 5 comments
Sunday, April 12, 2009
The one celebrating 2 years
Easter is such a special holiday that hits very close to my heart.
Halle suddenly started having 24-7 seizures a little after Christmas 2006. She was 3 years old. Once it started, the doctors were unable to stop them. The seizures and six medications drastically changed her personality and - well everything. It was the most heart wrenching experience of my life.
The epilepsy disappeared on Easter Sunday. She has not had a single seizure since. Today she is 100% herself and medication free. Someday I'll take the time to write out the whole story. . .but for now here's a video of our Easter Miracle.
The first clip is Halle two months before the epilepy began:
Posted by Kevin & Mari at 9:53 AM 14 comments
Saturday, April 11, 2009
The one with Easter Goodies
Woah, there on the cuteness!
Posted by Kevin & Mari at 12:10 PM 5 comments
Friday, April 10, 2009
The # One Young Women's Group
Posted by Kevin & Mari at 10:47 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
The one of many conversations
Drew and Cache play constantly now. Julia's hubby, Cody, helped us out by removing a few slats in the fence. No more walking around the block. Woah, is Drew happy about that!
Listening to those two chat together is HILARIOUS.
Monday night we had a family home evening where I had random little objects that went along with scriptures, to tell the Easter Story. Bread - the first sacrement. Soap - when Pilate washed his hands. etc etc.
Today, Drew retold the story (a very warped version) to Cache, followed by acting it out. It went like this:
Next item:
(Running up the stairs to wash their hands)
Drew and Cache (from upstairs):
Posted by Kevin & Mari at 9:58 PM 3 comments