Here's an email I wrote to a friend with some ideas to help Christmas be more centered around Christ:
Hi Di!
This is the topic to get me started on! I'm over-flowing with ideas!!! Hopefully I don't overwhelm you. lol
I LOVE having a birthday dinner for the Savior. Christmas Eve we have a whole feast, our very best dishes, food and of course the Bday cake. We write Bday cards to Him and put them in a special box under the tree, as a gift for Him. When my kids are grown I will give them their own box with their old letters. Maybe they'll keep the tradition going in their own families.
This year I've come up with a new idea. . .haven't done it yet so I can't swear by it- yet. But I was thinking of tying in the 3 gifts He was originally given (gold, frankincense, myrrh) with 3 service-type gifts for Him. (The whole "if you've done it unto one of these. . . you've done it unto me" idea). And then having the theme of each represent one of the gifts. For example, GOLD could be pulling our money in together and then secretly delivering to someone in need. FRANKINCENSE was a spice so it could have something to do with food (serving at the Food Bank, delivering a secret dinner to someone) . . . MYRRH was an incense. . something you feel more than see. . so I'm thinking something like visiting some older widows in the ward, or ? I dunno. I'm still brainstorming here. I think we'll plan the specifics of the 3 "gifts" together as a family on the Sunday after Thanksgiving. . .after we've put up the tree. Just to start out the season on a spiritual theme.
Is this too long already???
I also like to decorate around a Nativity theme instead of Santa/elves/etc. . .
One of the kids faves is our Nativity Advent calendar which puts another character at the manger scene every night.
Another idea. . .I find a story to read to the kids every year, and I always make sure it's got a really good message. We read a little bit (almost) every night and finish sometime around Christmas. They LOVE it and the Christmas spirit feels really strong.
We still do the Santa stuff, but it's just not the focus of the season. And I twist a few of the traditions. For example, instead of the kids writing Christmas wish lists to Santa, we write Thank You notes to him and leave them out with the cookies on Christmas. Trying to spin as much as possible away from the "me, me, me, I want, mine, mine, mine" part of Christmas that leaves us all so empty.
We've been doing the "warm fuzzy jar" from President Monson's conference talk. So we're going to use those warm fuzzy's (pom poms) this year in the manger (similar to the straw in the manger idea)to make it soft for the baby Jesus. We'll read/act out Luke 2 right before going to bed Christmas eve, using the soft manger.
Ok, I'll stop there. I'm sorry to write so much! I didn't mean to, I swear! Hahah. I've got more, if you want 'em. Maybe I'll do a blog post about it one of these days. Or write a book. HAHAHA! What mother has time to write a book!!??! Give me 20 years.
Good luck! Hope you guys are doing great. Talk to you later.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
The one with a CHRISTmas
Posted by Kevin & Mari at 6:49 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
The one about forwarded emails
I'm not really one to forward the emails. Honestly I delete probably 99% of the ones forwarded to me. (Sorry everybody!) But Autumn called about this email she'd sent, and so it got opened.
I love it.
Maybe why it's so funny to me is because this is TOTALLY the type of thing Kevin would do - if he had the time. Ahhh, the things that man will think up . . .
Anyway, here you go. Here's my blog-version-way of forwarding a funny email. Make sure to read the bottom part. :)
First, the cops advised me that it would cause traffic accidents as they almost wrecked when they drove by.
Second, a 55 year old lady grabbed the 75 pound ladder almost killed herself putting it against my house and didn't realize it was fake until she climbed to the top (she was not happy). By the way, she was one of many people who attempted to do that. My yard couldn't take it either. I have more than a few tire tracks where people literally drove up my yard."
Posted by Kevin & Mari at 9:01 AM 3 comments
Monday, November 23, 2009
The one about The Blind Side
We just got back from St. George. We had SUCH a nice weekend. My cousin had his missionary homecoming, and we went down a day earlier to be with my Grandparents.
Grandma made us a fabulous dinner (of course) and then Grandpa shooed Kev and I out the door so we'd go on a date. I think they just wanted the grand kids to themselves. :)
Kev and I found some AWESOME deals at the outlet stores and then we went to a movie. Now, I hate when people go on and on about how good a movie is . . .I think too many details ruin them. BUT if you need a recommendation, go see
We loved it.
Anyway, here comes another crazy week. Holiday prep galore. Good luck to ya'll.
Posted by Kevin & Mari at 8:04 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
The one with Deep-Clean-Hillariousness
One crazy day last summer, in the midst of the very worst of the morning-sick-days, I had a sudden burst of energy and started tackling deep-cleaning projects throughout the house. (Which you reeeally should NEVER do when there's a pregnant burst of energy, since it usually only lasts long enough to make an even BIGGER disaster)
One of those much-needed projects was cleaning my JETTED TUB. After living in our home for nearly a year, I still hadn't taken even one soak in my awesome tub. You fellow OCD's will understand; I HAD to REALLY REALLY make sure it was seriously cleaned through and through first. Problem was, I didn't know how to do that.
Several sites online suggested to
Let the jets run for at least 10 minutes."
Easy enough.
I got that water H-O-T as could be, added a "generous" amount of dish soap, started up the jets, and viola. . . .

Note to self:
Hot water + "Generous amount of Soap"
Imagine my state of shock when I walked back in the room. I am still laughing.
Posted by Kevin & Mari at 8:46 PM 9 comments
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
The one about tonight
that started at seven
but we're still here
cuz drew won't take even one bite of dinner
cuz he saw me put pepper
(like i always do)
in the macaroni and cheese
and so he thinks he won't like it
and so he's been screaming
and throwing up from the screaming
and i'm going insane
and halle's very sad because she can't go
because of him
and i know it's not fair to her
but there's only one of me
and it's ten minutes past eight
and i'm here
going insane
Posted by Kevin & Mari at 8:12 PM 4 comments
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
The one with some good news
Monday I waited ANXIOUSLY all day for Kevin to get home. I had been to the doctor's earlier, and was DYIN' to share some exciting news.
I made a trail of tootsie rolls from the back door, to the table where a candlelight dinner was spread
Here are a few more pics of our new beautiful baby boy. . .

baby's profile

Mom's pointy chin

He's a thinker
Kev's so excited, I LOVE it.
We told the kids in the morning and Drew started running around yelling,
"It's a BOY! It's a BOY!"
Can't wait to meet
our little man!!
Posted by Kevin & Mari at 2:13 PM 5 comments
Sunday, October 18, 2009
The one gift for Christmas
Our conversation in the car today:
(no pause)
A cat.
(my heart breaking)
. . . . o. . k. Well that's one idea, is there anything else. . .
(Drew cutting in)
Oh, I know what I want I know what I want I know!!!
A dog!
Me: . . . but what if you couldn't have a dog Drewbie? What else would you want?"
(Pause. . .thinking)
Thennn.. . .maybeeeee. . . .
a Giraffe???
Posted by Kevin & Mari at 7:11 PM 2 comments
Thursday, October 8, 2009
The one about buzzards
When I was little, I heard that the world's biggest pest of a bird was a buzzard. I decided it was the PERFECT nickname for my baby brother (aka John).
Over time, it shortened to "Buzz" and I've been calling him that ever since.
That same day he nicknamed me "Blastedhead." It, however, didn't stick.
home from his mission!!!
Home from the ASL Houston Texas Mission
nieces and nephews waiting at the airport with their "love you" signs
one more niece/nephew says hello

here he comes!

Buzz reunited with best buds Ben & Teddy
Posted by Kevin & Mari at 10:16 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 4, 2009
The one for Amy part 2
Howdy again.
Here's a few from Elle's blessing shoot:
I know this one is dark, but I LOVE it...
Family pics coming asap....
Posted by Kevin & Mari at 11:21 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
The One for Amy
So, I took some pics for my neighbor/friend Amy a while ago. But the last several months have been a nonstop whirlwind, and I've just felt AWFUL about how long it's taking me to get her pics to her.
So, Amy, here's a sample of some of the pics for ya. Thank you so much for being so patient with me. There's tons more, I'm just putting on a few of my fave. Oh, and keep in mind they loose quality over a blog...the originals will be more clear.
Anywho...from the first shoot:
Posted by Kevin & Mari at 11:58 PM 7 comments
Monday, August 24, 2009
The one where Halle went to school
I always have heard from people how they cried taking their son/daughter to kindergarten on that first day of school. I guess I always thought they were happy tears. . . happiness from some level of accomplishment or whatever.
Well, I took my baby girl to kindergarten today and guess what? The tears aren't the happy kind.
Ahh, the emotions of a mom. . .
Posted by Kevin & Mari at 5:35 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 23, 2009
The one about Kev's Cali surprise
In the middle of August my sweet hubby planned a surprise trip for the kids and I to Disneyland. We had originally planned on going in May, but with the economy hitting us all so hard, we decided it was in our best financail interest to just bag the trip.
I was pretty sad about that though. Our kids are at SUCH a prime time for that trip. Halle told me just recently that she is too old for the princesses now. What!!?! And next year, having a new baby, etc etc. . .I figured the next good opportunity to go, they'd probably not be in such a "magical" age.
Well, not to worry. Kev booked the hotel, the rental car, the flights, the City Passes, the food, the little details like refilling my nausea medication, rescheduling Halle's kindergarten testing, canceling my piano lessons. . . he did it all. Amazing. He told me about it the day before we left so I could pack. I was horribly sick that day. . .but somehow managed to pull an all nighter and get it done.
The morning of was a Sunday. We woke up the kids at 3:30 AM (the car outside all packed and running), and said,
Let's go to Disneyland!"
It was their first airplane ride. Ahhh, if you could have seen their level of excitement as we boarded and took off. . . I will never ever forget how great that was.
I wouldn't mind forgetting about the nausea I had on that plane though. Or the airport bathroom where I lost it all (again) first thing in Cali. M.I.S.E.R.A.B.L.E. Let's just say, the prego sickness was a constant on that trip. . .but I did my best to get through and ignore. Because being together with my Kevin, and the kids with their little faces so happy, was worth anything. Totally priceless.
Monday we went to Universal Studios. Here is my favorite picture of that day. Gotta check out the expression and the skinny little legs. Man, that kid can pull my heart like none other. Love love love this picture.

Manly men

The kidos get to meet some of their fave characters
Tuesday was our first day at DISNEYLAND!!!! We spent three days at Disneyland and California adventure. Three totally perfect days. Here are some of the highlights/pics from Kev's iphone:

We spent HOURS waiting in lines to meet these princesses.

Notice how grumpy Drew is about being in a picture with a "Princess"

Cute Halle gets a "makeover"

Splash Mountain

A close up on Drew's face on Splash Mountain. Terrorized and loving it.
Like I said: Priceless.

Goofy gets loves from Drew

I'm driving!
Am I doing a good job Dad?
I'm really doing it!
Can you see me Dad?
Love that girl.

Drew and Kev ride the teacups

One sick mommy, still enjoying 2 sweet kids

Watching the Pixar Parade

Halle and her Daddy/Drew sees Lightening McQueen
"Don'tcha know, Hall," I said, "this is the BEST ride here! You are just going to LOVE it!"
We went on and on, being silly, about the bathroom having the longest line because it's the best ride at Disneyland etc.
When it came her turn to go, there was a stall with a door cracked open, and we walked over to it.
"Are you ready for the very best ride at Disneyland, Halle!? The ride of your life. . .? "
She opened the door, and there was a little boy -holding himself- taking a pee.
". . . the. . .best. . . .ride. . . . . . mom! . . . .get. . . it?? . . .the . . .ride. . . of . . .your . . . . life?!? mom!!!"
So funny.

Silly girls/best buds

meeting more favorite characters

The happiest place on Earth

Kids happy at Seaworld

Pretty girl

"Drew really likes the sharks!" Kev says.
Sure Kev. Whatevs.

me and "Buddy Fish"

the pickle
Thanks Kevs and everyone who helped with the surprise.
1,000,000 times.
Posted by Kevin & Mari at 9:20 PM 1 comments